Thursday 1 August 2013

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 - Vengeance DLC (Map Pack 3) Now Out For PS3 [Trailer Inside]

First off happy first of August everyone and now down to business, as you might've seen in an article from last month, Black Ops 2 released it's third DLC pack titled 'Vengeance', which features four new multiplayer maps and one new Zombies adventure. The four multiplayer maps are called: Cove, Detour, Rush and Uplink (a remake of the Black Ops favourite Summit) and the Zombies map is named 'Buried'. As per usual it was out first for Xbox 360 but now the one month exclusivity period is over, it's now available for download on the PS3.

There was a Replacers launch trailer for this DLC pack that was uploaded to the Call of Duty YouTube channel but unfortunately it's a bit of a disappointment compared to previous Replacer trailers because it literally has them saying about two lines with no funny skits. I have however embedded it below for your viewing pleasure regardless, just in case you've not seen anything about this new DLC pack and want to find out a bit more. Might I also recommend the article I mentioned earlier, which features a similar promotional video that has David Vonderhaar (of Treyarch) discussing a bit more about the new maps plus you get to see them from a few more angles.


One final thing before I go, to coincide with this new DLC pack becoming available on PS3, Treyarch have announced that this weekend will be a double weapons XP event on Black Ops 2 multiplayer. I know a lot of people have already hit max prestige or have gone has high as they can be bothered but I'm pretty sure everyone has a gun or two they still need to rank up. Anyway, the event starts at Friday 18:00 BST through to Monday 18:00 BST, good hunting!

Have you got any thought on this new pack? Let me know below :)

Source: Call of Duty YouTube Channel and Black Ops 2 PS3 Welcome Screen