Sunday 31 May 2015

Journey To Platinum - Call of Duty: Ghosts [Part 2 ~ Multiplayer Trophies]

All but one of the multiplayer trophies in Ghosts is based around playing the default Extinction map, the other trophy requires you to play Safeguard. I call them multiplayer trophies but you can in fact, complete some of them in solo matches, so if that’s easier for you to do, then go for it. Extinction mode actually scales with the number of players in the match, so it might be better to play solo, instead of struggling with public players who can’t take care of themselves. I managed to complete all the multiplayer trophies when Ghosts first launched but with all the patches and updates to Extinction mode, I think it’s actually a fair bit easier now. On the whole, I’d say these multiplayer trophies aren’t too bad, there’s a couple annoying ones that require you to go out of your way but nothing outrageously unreasonable. Despite there being more SP trophies, I reckon you’ll be spending a little bit longer working on the MP ones because Extinction matches can take a bit of time to complete and you’ve got to do it several times.


No Man Left - Escape with all four players in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.

Exactly what it says on the tin, you need to start with a full lobby and everyone has to be on the chopper before it takes off. I managed to get this done a couple weeks after Ghosts first came out, when lots of people were still getting to grips with Extinction, I’m not sure how populated the servers are these days but there should still be enough people playing.


Sprinter - Reach the exfil chopper with 1:30 remaining on the clock in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.

What the trophy is asking for is very doable and fortunately it only depends on you and not the whole team. Before initiating the nuke countdown, I highly recommend investing at least one skill point into the pistol tree, so that you can move faster when your pistol is equipped. Once the nuke countdown timer has started, just start running and don’t look back. Don’t worry ‘bout taking on enemies, your goal now is to reach the chopper and escape; you should only be killing if you’re at one of the temporarily blocked hives.


Made it Out Alive - Escape 1st time in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.

The chances are you’ll need to complete the map at least a couple times to get all your trophies but you’ll earn this one, the first time you fly off in the chopper.


Completionist - Complete all Extinction challenges and escape in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.

This trophy is a little bit taxing for two reasons: 1) some challenges are harder than others and what you get is totally random and 2) there are a lot of stupid players in public matches, who can ruin the challenge for everyone. You’ll receive a challenge every time the drill is planted on top of a hive, you can read what the current challenge is by looking at the box in the corner of the screen. There are only a finite number of challenges that will ever be issued but as I said earlier, you won’t know what you’ll get, until you get it. The more you play, the more you’ll become acquainted with what the challenges entail and the best ways to complete them. Make sure you pay attention to when the drill is activated; some challenges are timed, so every second counts. In order to get the trophy you/your team must successfully complete all the challenges that are issued and then you individually must successfully escape.


Cabin Fever - Make it to the cabin in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.

City Dweller - Made it to the city in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.

You’ll need to pass these locations in order to reach the nuke site, which you’ll need to do in order to complete the map, so you know; it’s kinda hard to miss.


Any Means necessary - Get 50 kills with the electric fence and fire traps in one game in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.

The traps are actually pretty good; they can take out a decent number of enemies and quite often will pay for themselves. Fifty kills is quite a lot but if you consider that every section of the map has traps, it isn’t an unreasonable target. If your team is constantly activating the traps and not giving you a look in, it might be easier to just start up a private game and farm the kills in the first section. Just keep walking back and forth around the trap and the enemies should get toasted/fried.


Trash Picker - Scavenge 40 items in a single game in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.

I tried and failed to get this trophy in several public matches because if the other players pick up just a few items each, you will not meet the requirement, trust me. I don’t know exactly how many items can be found throughout the map but I’d guess it’s probably around 60+, which isn’t a lot at all. So, unless you’re playing in a party and each take turns to earn the trophy, there’s really only one way you can do it and that’s to play in solo match. When I played my solo game, I had to get past the town and reach the cabin area before I found 40 items, so I expect you’ll have to do the same. The items always spawn in set locations, so the more you play, the more places you’ll know to check.


Throttled Escape - Escape using a relic in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.

In order to equip a relic, you’ll need to first hit max rank, not to be confused with max extinction prestige. There are several relics to choose from but I think the easiest one to use is the lower damage output, if you then play as the weapon specialist class; you can negate some of the damage reduction by upgrading his specific skill. After your first escape using a relic, the trophy should pop.


Safeguard - Complete round 20 in safeguard.

Pretty straight forward, just play safeguard and reach level 21. Again, I’m not sure what the player count is for this game mode now but it’s not impossible to do this solo, though obviously it’ll be easier if you have a full lobby. It probably goes without saying but always collect the care packages if it’s safe to do so, the weapon upgrades and kill streaks will help you get through the levels. If possible, try to co-ordinate with your team, there’s no point going for the same crates, this just means that someone will go away empty handed and another crate will go to waste. Some maps are easier than others but everyone has their own preferences, I think Whiteout and Warhawk are decent, the former has the lodge and the latter has upper floor rooms both of which are fairly easy to defend.


Like I said at the start, nearly all of these multiplayer trophies are based on the Extinction game mode, so if you’re not a fan of it, these trophies aren’t going to be very fun for you. But again, having said this, I think the game mode is much easier now than it was at launch because of all the patches and minor additions, so perhaps you’ll enjoy yourself a bit more now? If you’re really struggling with public matches, I highly recommend trying solo matches instead; not having to worry about other players messing up your game and proceeding at your own pace could very well work out better for you.

Did you enjoy the Extinction game mode? Let me know below :)

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