Friday 28 June 2013

Plants vs. Zombies 2 Launch Date Pushed Back and Rumours of Apple Exclusivity


Earlier this month I wrote a short article about Edge magazines exclusive preview of the new Plants vs. Zombies title and one of the main points was that the game was slated for a July 18th release, this was also confirmed at the E3 event a couple weeks back. Most fans have been waiting the best part of four years for this sequel and so you can imagine the surprise and disappointment when a tweet from the Plants vs.Zombies team, was posted with the following information. It said that the original stated release date would not be met and that the games launch would take place later in summer but how much later in summer they've not indicated. If this delay wasn't already a slap in the face for us eagerly waiting fans, apparently this wasn't the only revision of the details discussed in the Edge magazine piece, apparently PvZ2 will now not only launch later but it is said to also be an Apple product exclusive, whereas before it was said to be a generic mobile device exclusive.

Details are very thin on the ground regarding both issues, so it's hard to say if these two sudden changes in proceedings are connected but I have a sneaking suspicion they might be, though I must confess that logical reasons elude me. I wonder what this means for other platforms and other formats, as I said in the article I mentioned above, I enjoyed the first PvZ game much more on PC than other devices, so I'm pretty worried about this Apple deal. I hope that PvZ2 does eventually become available for all platforms and formats, as per PopCaps initial game plan outline but this launch delay and new exclusivity deal will undoubedly have a knock on effect, the question is, are we talking a couple weeks/months or possibly years? O_O If you haven't seen the tweet and want to see the exact wording for yourself, I've embedded it below for you to check out.

I'll bring you more as I hear but in the mean time, how do you feel about the delay and does an Apple exclusivity deal bother you? Let me know below :)

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