Monday 10 June 2013

Call of Duty: Ghosts - E3 All Access Event [Gameplay Footage and Analysis Inside]

Yesterday Activision held a special presentation for their upcoming new game, Call of Duty: Ghosts, which felt like a direct follow up to the reveal trailer released a couple weeks back. While most developers are happy enough to be showcasing at the E3 event, Activision decided it wanted to (unofficially) kick off the expo and hosted an 'All Access' event a day before the convention doors opens because they wanted to "bring E3 to our fans" (the ones who couldn't make it).. The whole show lasts for about 30 minutes and you can watch it below, YouTube does require you to log in to view it but if you can't be bothered with that, there are a few other versions floating around, though none as good in terms of visual quality. There's a bit of chatter between the presenters (Jeff Keighley and Justine Ezarik) with the various people from Activision and Infinity Ward but it's mostly introducing or discussing the three video clips. The first two videos show footage taken from separate missions and the third one is sort of a preview of the entire game, I highly suggest you read my summary of the third video (below) before you decide if you want to watch it because some people might consider the clips as campaign spoilers. As per usual I provide a round up summary/analysis after the video, though in all honesty the footage shown is pretty clear cut but if you're still interested in my thoughts, be sure to scroll past the video, enjoy.

A Couple Points To Note From Presentation:
  • The gameplay we're seeing is "running on next gen hardware", not sure what console, if either (no specific controller button prompts in footage).
  • When Stephen Gaghan is talking, he lists "be under water, fight in the jungle and fight in aeroplanes", did he just give away an in game location?
  • The characters we spectated are two brothers and we're following their journey, I wonder how much of the campaign focuses on them?
  • Oh and the dog in Call of Duty: Ghosts is called Riley, a name you might re-call from the Modern Warfare series.

Analysis Of First Mission Footage:

~ First mission is called "Into The Deep", set under water, it's the same location that was teased in the reveal trailer. Location is "The Carribean Sea, South America". Date and time is "June 27th - 05:12:29". Scenery looks really good and I was right about it being somewhere tropical.

~ They mention a "crash site", so these two are searching for something and apparently so are the enemy because they're "not the only hunters out here", though he could've been referencing the sharks.

~ As they swim inbetween the fishing nets, to the right looks like the tail end of a plane, no idea why that would be here but I'm guessing it's a result of the unknown event. Before they swim though the shipping container, on the left is the frame of what looks to be a burnt out car, possibly here for the same reasons as the plane.

~ As they're swimming through a patch of plants, you can hear a sonar ping, then shortly after enemy divers get into the water from patrol boats. The question is are they being hunted or simply crossing paths?

*The level then jumps forward to another section*

~ The two divers encounter strong bursts of sonar, they have to use cover to avoid taking too much damage. They then proceed to take out the ship, apparently that was their mission objective. Notice the sinking helicopter that narrowly misses them after, this was a scene shown in the reveal trailer. I assume the ship was a carrier of some sort because of the powerful sonar and abilty to carry multiple aircraft.

~ The video ends with the brothers encountering a lot of enemy divers as they try to flee the area, clearly they must now fight their way free but I guess we'll need to wait until November to find out what happens. 

Analysis of Second Mission Footage:

~ The second mission is called "No Mans Land" and is again one of the places featured in ther reveal trailer. Location is "10 miles North of San Diego". Date and time is "June 7th-06:19:48".

~ We get a first look at the dog (Riley) in action, it can take commands (via a tablet) to attack enemies and appears to be a tool of recognassance and distraction. I think it acts a bit like a living flashbang i.e. used before breaching a room/attacking a crowd, exept he's a lot more versatile and requires feeding :P

~ The soldiers they've come across are wearing biohazard suits and gas masks, they are seemingly scanning the area, maybe they're assessing if it's safe? Begs the question why the brothers aren't using similar gear/equipment, are they immune to whatever the danger is?

~ The brothers originally came from this area but it wasn't like this when they left. One of them says "Welcome home..." and other replies "What's left of it anyway".

~ As they explore the area we pick up a few scenes that were partially shown in the reveal trailer, the inside of the building we saw was their former home and one of the brothers collects a weapon. I was correct in predicting some of views that we are shown as they exit their former home.

~ As the brothers make their way along the edge of the gaping hole in the ground, it appears the area is seismically unstable, could be part of the event or as a result of it?

~ The second time we see Riley in action, the enemy soldiers are seemingly speaking Spanish or is it Portugese(?). In IGN's sneak peak, we were told South American countries might've formed the main enemy force, this corroborates that. Riley not only tackles enemies to the ground but also has the ability to kill, that is one vicious pooch!

~ The following scene we've already partially witnessed in the reveal trailer, again I guessed correctly, Riley was sent into the building before the soldiers breached. There are more enemies in this scene then there were in the reveal trailer, I suppose that was an earlier production of that level.

~ As the video ends, the brothers pull on their masks, perhaps they know exactly where the hazardous material is and are tasked with investigating something in the immediate area? Again, roll on November for the answers.

That's about it for the presentation, slightly less gameplay than I expected but that's fine, I want to experience the game first hand when I'm playing it. Some previous Call of Duty titles showed far too much campaign footage, which wouldn't have been such a bad thing had their stories been 15+ hours long, as opposed to ~6hours XD

Summary Of Call of Duty E3 Booth Footage:

Anyway, the final video is just showing us a taste of what those who are visiting Call of Duty's E3 booth get to see, apparently they've got a massive screen that spans 190 degrees around the room, providing a panaramic view of some the scenes from the game. I bet that's pretty cool thing to see in person *envious*.

The scenes shown in the final video, shed a lot of light on all the scenes in the reveal trailer. We're provided with physical locations for each event and extra footage from those missions. I guessed some stuff correctly but there's a few that I was quite wrong about, anyway I should warn you that I think there are some potentially serious spoilers in it and so you should probably give it a miss, if you don't want your campaign experience ruined even slightly.

There's really no need for me to explain any of the things shown, each mission is given a location and each location you've already seen in the reveal trailer. I hope there are more locations that we visit other than the ones shown, else there'll be nothing else to look forward to in the campaign :/ As I said, you may be better off skipping this last bit, you're not really missing anything crucial.

I'm not sure if we're going to be treated to any new footage/information on Ghosts during E3 itself but if we are, you can be sure I'll pass it on. In the mean time, got any thoughts on this 'All Access' event? Let me know below :)

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