Saturday 18 May 2013

Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Random Character Kit Selector [Beta / Version 1.00]

One of the nice things about ME3 MP is that there are soo many character kits to select from (assuming you've unlocked them all :P), what isn't soo nice is that in any given session, you'll only be able to take a handful of them for a spin. Now I don't know about you guys but whenever I play, it always seems that I end up using the same selection of kits. I guess it's because I play with randoms most of the time and so I don't really want to take something I'm not particularly strong with, just in case they're terrible. This lack of variety can get a bit boring and so I do try and mix it up whenever I can but to be honest I don't want to think about kits, I just want to play a match. I've thought about creating this random character selector for a while but until recently I kept putting it off because A) I'm kinda lazy, B) I hate coding, C) I seriously suck at coding and D) I really hate coding. Anyway, I decided to give it a crack and voilĂ , after many hours of head banging and loud cursing, I've managed to produce something that I believe is fully working. Just to be on the safe side I'm going to call this the Beta version but failing any reports of PC meltdowns, I'll also refer to it as Ver 1.00, if and/or whenever I update it. So yeah, free up some of your brain's processing power and let the RNG Gods decide your fate XD

Your character random character kit is:

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