Thursday, 16 April 2015

Journey To Platinum - Call of Duty: Black Ops [Part 2 ~ Multiplayer Trophies]

Here is the second part of my Journey To Platinum for Black Ops, in this article I'll be covering the multiplayer trophies. As mentioned in the single player trophy article, despite there being fewer MP trophies than SP ones, you could be spending much longer on them. There are two reasons why this is case, firstly how quickly you complete these MP trophies will depend on your personal skill level and secondly, for some of the later trophies there is an element of luck involved, which is completely out of your control. The MP trophies are split into two categories, online competitive multiplayer and the Zombies game mode, so if you're not confident playing either, then these trophies might cause you some problems. Fortunately for me, I enjoy both game modes, so I was prepared to stick it out, even when lady luck wasn't on my side.

Multiplayer Trophy Guide

Date Night - Watch a film or clip with a friend.  

A very simple trophy but one that requires assistance from another person on your friend list. All you need to do is go to the theatre lobby and load up a gameplay or clip, I picked one from my own archive but I assume it’ll work with one of theirs as well. The trophy should pop not long after the match/clip begins to play out. If you don’t have anyone on your list that also owns Black Ops, you can try adding people you meet playing online. As a matter of fact, there are some Zombie trophies further down that will be much easier to complete by playing with people you know, so perhaps they’ll be interested in completing those as well.

Journey To Platinum - Call of Duty: Black Ops [Part 1 ~ Single Player Trophies]

I'll be honest, when I first played the campaign for Black Ops, I found it pretty boring. I don't know if it was because the plotline just didn't interest me or if it was because the previous CoD title was Modern Warfare 2, which was pretty high octane. As you'll know by now, I always read the trophy list after completing a game, just to see what the demands are for the platinum trophy and even though I thought Black Ops was doable, I just didn't have the will power to go for it at the time. Fast forward a few years and I'm in the mood to clean up my virtual trophy cabinet, so I figure it was time to finally put this trophy list to bed. As I mentioned, I didn't think the trophy list would be too demanding and having now earned my platinum trophy, I think that was a fair initial assessment. There are more single player trophies than there are multiplayer trophies but depending on how lucky you get, the multiplayer trophies could end up taking you longer to complete [I'll explain more in that article].

Single Player Trophy Guide

Death to Dictators - Take down Castro with a headshot. 

I would’ve thought that everyone will do this during the mission; I mean after all there’s really no reason why you shouldn’t go for the headshot. It’s a slow-motion room breach and the best shot to take, is the one where you place a bullet in between his eyes. If you fail to get it first time, just come back after and try again using mission select.