Tuesday 21 May 2013

Call of Duty: Ghosts Reveal Trailer Released [Video and Trailer Analysis Inside]

Today at the Microsoft reveal event of the new Xbox console (the 'Xbox One' - summary article coming soon), we were shown the reveal trailer to Call of Duty: Ghosts. During the conference we were also told a few things about the new game, the most noteworthy (though not entirely surprising) points were that it will be running on a new next-gen engine and it is definitely a completely new storyline with fresh characters, one of which is a dog. I'll discuss more about the trailer in my analysis below but something that isn't clearly mentioned/shown in trailer is that the game takes place 10 years after America has been devastated by (an as yet unknown) event. Anyway, I've linked the video below and done a Trailer Analysis afterwards, enjoy.

AcornVision Trailer Analysis

Before you carry on reading, I think it's a good idea to watch the trailer through once and then have it open in a separate window as you read through my bullet points, this way you can pause as you go along and identify the scenes that I'm discussing. OK, let's get started.

These first few points were divulged at the Xbox One reveal event:
- The game is set in America and ten years after an unknown event has taken place.
- The Ghosts are apparently an assortment of troops from various special op units
- New game engine, entirely new or just for CoD games, as of yet is unknown.
- New storyline and characters i.e. seperate from other CoD titles.
- New game mechanics like slide and lean.
- All maps will have some sort of interactive features, from player induced events like tripping a trap to things that will occur randomly like natural disasters.
- More character customisation options for multiplayer.

~ In the opening scences we're shown a massive crator in the ground, possible some sort of explosion occured there? Alternatively, it may have been caused by a meteor/asteroid impact.

~ The next scene appears to represent signs of a "nuclear winter", the dark cloudy skies and there's something like dust/ash falling to the ground? In that same scene, some of the trees are bent over, could be a result of the event. The trees don't seem to be burnt, perhaps it was a natural distaster, like a really really bad storm? [Later scenes could indicate why we're here.]

~ The following scene shows a damaged building, evidently as a result of the event. Could be one of the squads homes? Floor seems to be at an angle, could this be the inside of the buidling from the opening scene (on the cliff)? Positioning of the furniture and it's cleanlyness strikes me as odd, the table is centre place but logic tells me if the building had been hit by an explosion/natural distaster of such magnitude, it should be at the very least toppled/covered in debris.

~ The scene after is of a jungle/woodland, maybe survivors and/or the squad have made this their living location? Rock formations maybe be a clue to an actual location. Does the US have jungles/plants like the ones feature here? If not, the squad may well be abroad, on a mission perhaps?

~ Then we see a vehicles and soldiers plunged into icy water, could be a location abroad or in one of the northern US states. Soldier appears to have an armband bearing the word "ELITE". Suggests they speak english, thus American troops? Variety of debris sinking with the troops and vehicles, oil drums and crates. Could be a supply convoy that has just been ambushed or suffered an accident while crossing river/lake.
[Later scenes reveal more information to the identity of these troops] 
[Later scenes reveal how they came to being in the water]

~ The next scene features a close up of the dog, one ear is tattooed and it is strapped with a custom vest and has it's own insignia, possibly a real life unit in the US miliatry? Various cables/wires protruding from the vest, possibly carrying a radio or some other form of equipment. Dog seems to be a German Shephard.

~ The next scene features a group of transport helicopters carrying US troops over/into a city, country is unknown, perhaps some landmarks to be spotted.

~ The next scene is set at night time, possibly the same jungle as seen during the day earlier in trailer, could the building in the background be a target for the squad? Appears to be a factory of some sort, two large chinmeys on the right. Lots of lighting in the compound, could be an enemy stronghold of some sort, unknown helicopter could be an indication of buildings purpose. [Later scenes show the helicopter again]

~ The next scene is back on the dog and his handler, I'm guessing this is just a different angle to the opening scenes of the solider and his dog. In game it could be opening up to a widescreen view of ground zero of the event. Maybe this is the first time the soldier has seen the area or maybe he's returning for a particular reason?

~ The next scene of the soldiers indoors, quite possibly the factory we just saw earlier on the edge of the jungle. When the soldier pops out from the corner, I don't recognise the weapon but it looks to be some sort of SMG with silencer.

~ The next scene is back outside in the jungle during the day, notice the soldiers are walking in the water and as they go into the waterfall but above them is a man made bridge. They must be in hostile territory to be avoiding conveniances like that.

~ The next scene is of a couple small transport helicopters dropping in, presumably enemy troops, dressed in ghillie suits and wielding what looks like Ak-47's, could be russian forces. The location seems to be the same as the one earlier in the jungle (atmosphere is gloomy though so it could just as easily be the ground zero site), this suggest the US troops are indeed abroad and possibly now being hunted. Does Russia have jungles?

~ The next scene shows a Ghost member silently taking down an enemy, four things to note here about the enemy uniform/outfit:
1) Insignia doesn't look familiar but aspects of it do i.e. the bird might be an eagle? Could suggest splinter group of US forces.
2) There's a word on the strap of the goggles "TREME", is this simply a brand or something else? Could be soldiers name.
3) The logo and corresponding text on the helmet "U-Tech", again is this just a brand or something more? Perhaps an evil corperation, sponsors of the event?
4) Enemy has an armband with the word "ELITE FORCE", so the sinking troops shown earlier are actually enemy forces. Probably attacked by the Ghosts.

~ The next scene is a building that is sumberged in water, clarity of water and presence of sharks suggest a tropical climate. The two divers higher up seem to be imobile, possibly dead, killed by the one swimming diver? Possibly Ghosts and enemy forces both looking for the same thing in the sunk building? Perhaps the increased water level was a result of the event? Unlikely documents would survive too long under water, suggests they're searching for something like an object? Big decorative skylight, perhaps this is an important building or maybe one that houses significant objects, like a musuem? Maybe they're just cutting through?
[Later scene may hold to reason why this building is under water]

~ The next scene shows a tropical reef, notice colour of water and presence of a shark, possibly this is leading upto the previous scene or follows on from it.

~ The next scene shows an attack helicopter crashing into the water as a diver attempts to evade it. Looks like an Apache? There seems to be submerged structures in the water with the diver, broken concrete slabs with iron rods sticking out. Could this be another section of the flooded city?

~ The next scene is back at the jungle, it's dark and raining, most likely the soldier who has just killed is beginning his assault on the factory.

~ The next scene is back to the dog and his handler, probably just a continuation of that particular scene, maybe in game he's saying goodbye, thanking the dog for it's services? [Later scene seems to suggest they're here for a reason]

~ The next scene is set at night but this time in a city. There appears to be a logo or foreign text on the side of the building. Could this be the same country as the jungle factory?

~ The next scene is of soldiers abseiling down the side of a building, possibly the ones we saw being flown in earlier by those transport helicopters? Suggests a different location to the jungle. I'm assuming they're preparing an assault on a particular level of that building. [Later scenes suggest the missions overall outcome]

~ The next scene gives us a view point of the abseiling troops, city appears to be populated, fairly modern, perhaps a developing country? "Hervas Zamaco" is on one of the buildings, possibly irrelavent. Thing to note about the building we're on, there's an open balcony, possibly the attack point? The flag protruding from the building doesn't look familiar, it's mainly a dark burgendy colour with a lighter strip at the top and bottom, with a circle of yellow/white stars. Currently the EU has a similar flag, which represents all the countries within the European Union, could this be the flag of the enemy forces? Maybe it represents all the countries involved in the event? Could this be their HQ, are the Ghosts after something/someone or is this the final confict of the game?

~ The next scene is of a church falling into the crator, perhaps the soldier witnessing the collapse has narrowly escaped or was lucky to be away at the time. His stance suggests shock/disbelief, maybe the building was important in some way, tempory residence perhaps? Maybe there are people/possesions inside he care's about? Question is, did the building collapse on it's own or as a result of something? Perhaps it was just attacked.

~ The next scene looks like the jungle factory, it's exploding all around, perhaps the Ghosts were tasked with it's destruction? The helicopter appears to have a ladder hanging out the side, maybe a Ghost member was able to secure it for his teams extraction. As the explosions take place, what looks to be piping is thrown into the air, maybe it's not piping, maybe it's parts for munitions (rockets/missiles) or even vehicle parts, say a tanks main gun? I'm assuming this is the conclusion of that mission.

~ The next scene looks like the dog handler soldier, stacked up against a building that he's planning to breach. The dog was already inside and is attacking an enemy, who stumbles out the building through the door. The enemy soldier appears to be a medic, if his back pack is anything to go by. Can't really make out much as he's being savaged by the dog on the ground. Location appears to be rural (goes in line with the church earlier), tall grass surrounds the area, possibly crops of some sort, maybe it's farm land?

~ The next scene looks to be the building that the soldiers were abseiling down earlier, it appears to be collapsing sideways, maybe the Ghosts were tasked to bring it down or possibly it was just an accidental explosion during a firefight? Would take a pretty big boom to bring down a building like that, possibly a lab of some sort? There is a name that can be seen on the wall "KOBERSTEIN", can't make out the tag line below it though. Soldier manages to stop himself sliding out of the window by grabbing somthing.

~ The next scene is of a troop who suddenly sees a dam bursting and water rushing towards him, on his left appears to be an armoured vehicle of some sort, maybe this was an enemy held city? Billowing black smoke in the background indicates a pretty severe battle may have taken place earlier. Could be one of those troops that flew in on the transport helicopters earlier, I'm guessing they weren't tasked with destroying the city, maybe enemy forces are resorting to desperate measures? Maybe this was an act of terrorism that they failed to stop? Is this the reason why the building earlier was submerged? Trees look like the ones that are bent over in the opening scenes, could the water be the reason?

~ The next scene shows the water spilling towards and then through the streets of the city. Troops are trying to evade it's path but eventually get swept up in the currents.

~ The next scene shows a soldier jumping from a sky scrapper as an explosion occurs, most likely the same one that we were shown earlier, with the abseiling troops. Is this explosion the reason for the building collapse or as result of it? The building doesn't appear to be toppling at the moment, maybe this isn't the soldier we saw sliding on the floor earlier?

~ The next scene shows how the earlier convoy came to being in the water, apparently they're being chased or doing the chasing and a submarine breaks through the ice, thus the vehicles and troops end up in the drink. Not sure which side the submarine is on. I'm guessing therefore this patch of water is part of the ocean or a river connecting into it.

~ Trailer ends with the line "We Are All We've Got" - Suggests the Ghosts are doing whatever of their accord, maybe they initially had leadership but then it all went to pot and now have to fend for themselves?

That's about all I got for now, I'll be doing detailed analyses of all future trailers, so if you like my dissection be sure to check back regularly with every new release.

In the mean time, what did you think of the reveal trailer and did you spot anything I missed? Let me know below :)

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