Thursday 21 February 2013

Mass Effect 3 Reckoning Multiplayer DLC - Coming 26th/27th February 2013

For several weeks now there has been wide spread rumours and a general anticipation for another piece of ME3 MP DLC, well today or rather last night, Bioware finally confirmed that there is indeed new content on it's way. The Reckoning DLC for multiplayer will be the last of it's kind, along with the single player Citadel DLC, which will also be the final offering for the Mass Effect 3 title.

Apparently the DLC will be bringing new characters, weapons and gear to the fight. The post states the following kits: Geth Juggernaut, Female Turian Raptor, Talon Mercenary, Alliance Infiltration Unit and the Krogan Warlord. I don't think this is the full list, given that it ends with the words "and more" but how many more is the main question on my mind. I believe the 'Alliance Infiltration Unit' to be EDI from the single player campaign.

As for the weapons, these were listed as: Geth Spitfire Assault Rifle, Venom Shotgun, Lancer Assault Rifle and Biotic Hammer. Again I don't think this is the full list as it was preceded with the word "including", which suggests that there might be others. I think the Biotic Hammer might only be available to the Krogan Warlord, they're mentioned in the same breath in the post, so perhaps it's his personal power/weapon?

There's also new equipment and weapon mods being introduced, the two that were named were the Geth Scanner and Assault Rifle Omni-blade, again I'm fairly certain these won't be the only ones. We already have an Omni-blade for ARs, so I'm thinking this was meant to be posted under a different name and will act like the Shotgun Omni-blades, which provide a 50% damage bonus to melee attacks but adds extra weight to the weapon.

Bioware will be hosting a live stream event this Monday (25th Feb), where they'll be showing off some gameplay of the new multiplayer DLC, apparently members of the Mass Effect development team will be there for a Q&A session, you can watch the stream at Twitch TV and the event starts at 9:30am PST/6:30pm CET. [Q1. Did you properly test out everything? ;P ]

The Mass Effect 3 multiplayer Reckoning DLC will be released next week on the 26th February 2013 (or 27th for those in Europe). As with all previous MP DLC it will be available on PS3, PC and Xbox 360 for free.

You can check out the official Bioware blog post here but I haven't missed anything out and to be honest there isn't much to read.

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