Wednesday 5 December 2012

How To Rank Up Fast In Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Multiplayer

It seems like this question is asked for every Call of Duty title released and while for most of us the answer is probably pretty obvious, there are still plenty of players out there who don't quite know the best ways to earn that all important XP. Even as a seasoned CoD player, I'm still very much interested in the quickest ways to rank up because as you all know, most of the good weapons/equipment/perks are only available once you reach the very top of the rank tree. If you happen to be one of those players who wants to know the most time efficient ways to climb the ranks, hopefully after reading this article you'll pick up some tips that I've learnt during my many hours of CoD multiplayer. 

OK, well for the most part ranking up in any CoD title is exactly the same, you earn set amount of XP for kills and attacking/defending objectives, how much you get depends on the game type you're playing. However it's not just kills and objectives that will earn you XP, many other actions can also earn you XP including: assisting in a kill, calling in a kill/score streak and earning one of the other various in game medals, such as getting headshots, multi-kills etc etc. It might seem like a really silly thing for me to say but basically the most important thing to remember when you're trying to rank up is fast, is to be as active in games as possible because the more you do the more XP you're likely to earn. Having said this, there is a difference between being active and constantly rushing head first into a quick death, the latter will not help you rank up faster.

The first thing when starting out in any CoD multiplayer (or any mp game for that matter) is to familiarise yourself with the kit you intend to use and the maps you're going to be playing on. It might seem like an insignificant thing to mention but in my experience, being really comfortable with your weapon and knowing how to effectively traverse a map, makes a big difference to how you perform. Fortunately with Black Ops 2 you have Combat Training at your disposal, now this is a really useful tool that every beginner should check out and even if you're not new to the franchise, it can't hurt to learn in a safe environment. Just in case you didn't know, none of the stats acquired in Combat Training i.e. kills/deaths count towards your Career Combat Record, so you don't need to worry about dying whilst learning.

The next important thing to figure out, is what game mode you prefer to play and/or the type that you do best at. For example if you're a beast at getting kills, then you'll want to pick a game type that revolves solely around obtaining kills, such as Team Death Match, Free-For-All or Kill Confirmed. Conversely if you struggle to rack up a ton of kills, then you'll probably want to play an objective based game mode, such as Domination, Hard Point or Demolition. Another set of modes that you might want to try out, are those listed in the Party Games menu (where rank doesn't provide an edge), I've found that Gun Game can be a decent way to earn XP because no-one has any perks and you always run through the same set of weapons plus it's a race, so matches usually end pretty quick.

Of course there are other games modes that you could play but i feel that the ones I've mentioned are the ones that will probably earn you the most XP per minute playing, that is as long as you're actively doing stuff. I personally like TDM and FFA best because it's purely about getting the most kills possible and dying as little as you can (good for those worried about K/D), the only difference being that if you win an FFA, you've racked up a guaranteed 30 kills, whereas in TDM you might not get that many, especially if you're playing with and/or against good players. I like the fast paced nature of KC and the fact you can earn a load of XP for confirming kills but at times it feels as though you're playing an objective game type because you can rack up soo many deaths, which isn't particularly fun at all.

Before we move on I just want to mention a couple things about the objective game modes i selected in Blops2. The first thing is that, capping the neutral B flag in Dom at the start of each round will earn you a really big amount of XP (much more than in previous games), so if you can, definitely jump on it. The second thing is that in HP, if you're familiar with the map, you can almost guess where the next contest location will be, so if you're lucky you can be in the area as it appears, earning you some really easy XP. The final thing is that while Demo can earn you a lot of XP, it really depends on the length of the game, for example if both sides are evenly matched and trying to attack/defend the bomb sites, you can can get lots of kills which means a lot of XP. But if one team isn't really bothering or your side happens to be really good/bad, the game can be over quite quickly and as a result, you might not earn much XP.

Game modes discussed, the next topic is in game Challenges. Just like any previous CoD title, there are a plethora of challenges that can be completed while playing online matches, ranging from obtaining X amount of kills with a certain weapon to getting a multi-kill with a score streak. I really recommend you taking a couple minutes every other Blops2 session, just to check out what challenges you've got available to you and simply make a note of those you think you can complete. Some challenges you will achieve naturally while playing i.e. getting kills with whatever, while others might take a little bit more effort and perhaps even warrant a specific class made up for it. During the early ranks, the most basic challenges will more or less take you to that next level, while in the later ranks, the bigger challenges will definitely provide some noticeable help, so don't neglect them.

The next point i want to discuss is weapons, once again just like in any previous CoD title, you earn XP once you've acquired a certain of number of kills with that weapon. However, there is a new feature in Blops2 that adds a bit of twist, whereby you can now prestige your weapon if you've hit max rank with it. Just in case you don't now what happens when you prestige a weapon, it basically resets the rank of your weapon to level 1 (and locks all attachments again) but in return you can add your clan tag/emblem to the weapon. This bit doesn't really help with you ranking up faster but the fact that you can once again earn XP for every level you reach with that weapon, does help. So if you use a particular weapon all the time and don't mind using it naked for a couple games, this is probably the simplest way to earn XP. 

The first weapon i hit max rank with, was the FHJ-18 AA because i was shooting down soo much enemy air support, which leads me nicely onto the next point of discussion. Unlike in previous CoD titles, the main anti-air weapon is available as soon as you unlock Create-A-Class, which means you can be shooting down air support as soon as you're out of Bootcamp. This is a great way to earn XP as there is practically never a shortage of enemy UAVs being called in and they're the easiest thing to shoot down. Not only does this net you XP but it also helps out your team (so you can call yourself a proper team player ^_^) and who knows, you might even get to shoot down a helicopter or something, this will earn you even more XP, while severely annoying the person the person who called it in :P [The same goes for enemy equipment, destroying them is also easy XP and will definitely help you and your teammates not get killed]

Now onto the last point of discussion for ranking up faster in Blops2, the subject of score streaks. Ever since MW2 i always follow the same plan when i first start playing multiplayer and that is to choose the 3 lowest kill/score streaks possible. The reason being that not only will you be able to earn them much quicker than higher ones but also because you don't need to die in order to acquire them again. Again just in case you didn't know, once you've earned the needed score to obtain all 3 of your streaks, providing you've used them, you will automatically be able to earn them again. The process is basically a loop and should you wish, you could just equip only the first score streak available, in this case the UAV and just keep earning that one over and over. Though I'd recommend sticking with the 3 lowest because once you've earned the UAV, you should be able to get a couple kills from it's intel, which will help you earn the next one and then that will help you with the final one. You see? Simple but very effective.

Finally, don't forget it's important to have fun while playing, i generally find that if I'm enjoying myself i do much better in game, which usually equates to more kills and wins, which in turn produces more XP. But bear in mind that sometimes things just won't go your way, whether it's because of lag, campers or just good old fashioned fatigue, if you're not getting any pleasure from playing, call it a night and do something else. Come back refreshed another time/day and the chances are you'll probably find things go a little bit better ;)

So in summary, in order to rank up faster, you should:-
1) Know the maps and know your kit (Combat Training is there, so use it!)
2) Find your game type (if need be, test them all out, you won't know 'til you try)
3) Complete the in game Challenges (write them down, so you don't forget)
4) Prestige your weapons (especially if you use it all the time)
5) Use low level score streaks (remember: support ones will earn you extra assist points)
6) Shoot down enemy air support (earn easy XP while also helping your team out)

Good Hunting, Al.

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