Uncharted 4 Survival Arena - Flawless Solo Crushing Challenge w/ Sir_Alan_

Ever since I first started playing Uncharted 2 co-op multiplayer all those years ago, I often wondered what it would be like to play Co-Op Arena solo because to be honest, in many matches, it often felt I was doing a lot of the leg work(!) XD So when Naughy Dog announced that Uncharted 4 Survival Arena mode could be played solo, I knew instantly that this was a challenge I would at some point, have to take up. At the time of writing this, I'm roughly half way through my task, it's a pretty time consuming challenge but something that I'm continuing to work on and eventually, will beat! Below you will find my successful attempts thus far, some matches are pure gameplay with no commentary but some are recorded from my live stream sessions on Twitch, which do have live commentary. I will update this page, as and when I beat new maps, alternatively you can watch these videos from my the playlist directly on my YouTube channel :)

> UC4 Survival Arena - Flawless Solo Crushing #1 - Prison

> UC4 Survival Arena - Flawless Solo Crushing #2 - Scotland

> UC4 Survival Arena - Flawless Solo Crushing #3 - Train Wreck

> UC4 Survival Arena - Flawless Solo Crushing #4 - Treasury

> UC4 Survival Arena - Flawless Solo Crushing #5 - River

> Flawless Solo Crushing #6 - TBA

> Flawless Solo Crushing #7 - TBA

> Flawless Solo Crushing #8 - TBA

> Flawless Solo Crushing #9 - TBA

> Flawless Solo Crushing #10 - TBA

> Flawless Solo Crushing #11 - TBA

> Flawless Solo Crushing #12 - TBA

> Flawless Solo Crushing #13 - TBA

> Flawless Solo Crushing #14 - TBA

What's your favourite map to play on for UC4 Survival Arena? Let me know below :)

***>> Want more Survival? Click Here for Uncharted 4 Survival Stages***

>> Top 10 Tips for Uncharted 4 Survival Arena & Stages

>> Top 5 Loadouts for Uncharted 4 Survival Arena & Stages

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